Since I missed yesterday’s as I was
catching up on day before’s Blog Every Day in May Challenge, I will be doing yesterday’s
and today’s together. If there was some blog police, I would have long been
behind the blog bars eh. Hopefully it’s not there. :)
Day 7, Tuesday: The
thing(s) you're most afraid of
Ummn...I have so many things to be afraid of. I’m afraid of losing anything, be it
a handkerchief that have been with me for the longest time or a person with whom I have
been always. I’m an emotional person though I seem otherwise from
outside(beware looks deceives you). Anything that has been with me
for a long time makes my heart grow fonder for it and loosing that person,
thing or going away from that place makes me so afraid, I do not know why.
I have this feeling before going to bed, “what if I never wake up from this
sleep?” This feeling sends a chill down my spine and makes me so afraid that I feel
that fleeting numbness. That’s why I always thank God for every passing moment
given to us. Lately I have been gripped with the fear of:
happening to my loved ones (this has always there though and still continues)
being able to get a scholarship to study abroad
To be unloved
be forgotten entirely
these are something beyond my control and I leave it best to time to make
things happen its way.
Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of
advice you have for others.
Follow your heart! Many
a time I have made blunders and landed myself in problem by not following my
heart. Your heart is right so go for it no matter what. At the end of the day
it’s you who have to be happy and your heart does the right thing.
What advice would you like to give me if you have any in terms of my blog posts or anything, I need it badly to improve. Do leave one, I would love to know and will work on it.

Nice post, and good advice. Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart, but it's usually the right decision.